Have you thought about approaching a recruiter and developing a referral program to send prospective clients your way? Or have you been approached by a recruiter who wants to develop a partnership with you? Based on the special report of the same name, "Developing Strategic Alliances and Partnerships With Recruiters" is designed to help you cultivate, develop, and manage referral relationships with individual recruiters or recruiting firms or employment agencies. Here's what you'll learn on this call:
Teleseminar format, including handouts. Cost: FREE for Bronze Members of BeAResumeWriter.com $17 for Non-Bronze Members (Bronze membership is just $10/month. Learn more here.) TELESEMINAR TIMES:2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Central 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Mountain 11:00 – 12 p.m. Pacific
ABOUT BRIDGET: Bridget (Weide) Brooks has published the Resume Writers' Digest trade newsletter for resume writers for more than 10 years, and founded BeAResumeWriter.com in 2011 to provide careers industry professionals with information and tools to help them be more successful in their work with clients and in their business. She has been a featured speaker for numerous professional associations, including the National Resume Writers' Association, CertifiedResumeWriters.com, and Career Directors International. She is the author of the "Developing Strategic Alliances and Partnerships With Recruiters" special report.
Visit the Resume Writers' Digest website for further information.
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