Our new mini-course offers strategies to help fill up your appointment book.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, there is a universal truth all entrepreneurs must deal with: The need to identify, attract, and convert prospects into paying clients. Without clients, you don’t have a business.
If you’ve been struggling in “feast or famine” mode — or, in recent months, if it’s been more “famine” than “feasting” — this course can be your springboard to an incredible start to 2021.
It can be hard to figure out what marketing you SHOULD be doing. Should you advertise? Post on social media? Write articles or start a blog? Work on networking? Cultivate new referral sources? Start a podcast? Do videos on YouTube?
As C.J. Hayden says, “It doesn’t matter so much WHAT you do as THAT you do.”
The 5 Simple Strategies for Securing More Sales Mini-Course will give you information to build a steady supply of motivated clients who want to work with you.
Because it’s a mini-course, you can get through it quickly. It’s also designed to help you get results right away.
The course includes handouts and a 25-minute video.
To learn more and enroll in the 5 Simple Strategies for Securing More Sales mini-course, visit our course page.
(The 5 Simple Strategies for Securing More Sales mini-course is part of our Resume Writer's University course catalog on Teachable).