• Saturday, May 01, 2021 12:11 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our eleventh profile focuses on writer/coach Georgia Adamson, owner of Massachusetts-based A Successful Career

    Adamson has been a professional resume writer since 1993. Before becoming a resume writer, Adamson was an executive assistant with a technology company in Silicon Valley, California.

    “I began to feel I wasn’t using all my capabilities in that role and started a business support service on the side,” says Adamson. “When we had a layoff and I lost my job, I decided to see if I could run my business full-time.” 

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Georgia Adamson” Feature on the Resume Writers' Digest Blog! 

  • Thursday, April 08, 2021 4:10 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This 7-page special report has the potential to transform your business. The special report outlines a three-step process that will help you take control of your time and keep your income the same — or even increase it — while working fewer hours. The hours you work have nothing to do with how much you earn. Learn how to take control of your time while making more. 

    Check out the Do The Stuff That Makes Money First Special Report in our online store

  • Wednesday, April 07, 2021 10:26 AM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This brainstorming worksheet can help your clients identify the people in their network, and then prioritize who they should contact first. Includes space to brainstorm personal contacts, business contacts, third-party contacts, educational contacts, and community contacts, with prompts for each category. Can be used as a standalone exercise or with the newly updated “Jobseekers Guide to Networking Your Way To Your Next Job” (both documents are included with your purchase, and both are included for Bronze members.) There are two versions of the brainstorming worksheet included, including a more “designed” version that is still in Microsoft Word format. 

    Check out the Who Do You Know? Your Network Brainstorming Worksheet Pass-Along Materials Content in our online store

  • Tuesday, March 23, 2021 6:30 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    One common piece of advice for resume writers who are looking to connect with prospects and new clients is to post on social media. Sounds easy! But using social media to attract prospects and clients requires more than just posting content — it requires engagement. 

    This 11-page special report is designed to give you specific ideas to use copywriting techniques to improve your social media engagement. The report covers: 

    • Why Social Media Engagement Matters
    • Ways to Use Copywriting to Increase Engagement 
    • How to Write Better Headlines Using Copywriting Secrets and Techniques 
    • Fine-Tune Your Approach and Get It Right Technically  

    Check out the Social Media Engagement Secrets Special Report in our online store
  • Tuesday, March 23, 2021 6:18 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Indeed calls itself “the #1 job site in the world.” Your clients should add it to their job search toolbox as one strategy in their job search. This 18-page illustrated guide will walk them, step-by-step, through setting up their account, using Indeed’s search function to identify job opportunities, apply for positions, and save jobs to apply to later. It also covers Indeed’s Advanced Job Search function. The guide will also walk the user through setting up job alerts on Indeed (great for passive jobseekers). The guide provides an overview of Indeed Company Pages and using Indeed for salary research. 

    Check out the Using Indeed In Your Job Search Pass-Along Materials Content in our online store

  • Thursday, February 18, 2021 5:13 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Do you find it difficult to determine what to charge your clients for resume writing and LinkedIn development services? Stop guessing what to charge. 

    Pricing your resume writing/career services is one of the most common questions I get — from new resume writers to veterans alike. It’s consistently one of the top “challenges” listed in the Resume Writers’ Digest Annual Industry Survey. 

    My new course Pricing Right: Price Your Career Services with Confidence can help. 

    Small changes in pricing can produce dramatic results. You may be losing revenue you could be earning if you under-charge for your services. Alternatively, you could be losing customers and sales by charging too much. Pricing is the factor that has the largest impact on sales and profits. 

    Pricing Right is built around everything I’ve learned about pricing in my 25 years in the career services business PLUS input from colleagues about what works to get clients to pay what you charge. 

    This course is a must for all self-employed resume writers. For the past three years, I’ve taught a bootcamp session on pricing your services for entrepreneurs. Now, I’ve expanded that session into a nine-module course with these lessons:

    • Do You Have a Pricing Problem?
    • First Establish Your Value, Then Communicate Your Pricing 
    • The Right Price for Your Clients
    • Pricing Modules
    • The Formula for Pricing Your Services 
    • Pricing Data 
    • Common Mistakes in Pricing 
    • Raising Your Prices 
    • What to Do Now — and What to Do Next

    The course includes nine video lessons, accompanying handouts, and questions for self-reflection. 

    To learn more and enroll in the Pricing Right: Price Your Career Services with Confidence course, visit our course page

    NOTE: Bronze members receive special discount pricing on the course. Click here to access

    (The Pricing Right: Price Your Career Services with Confidence course is part of our Resume Writer’s University course offerings on Teachable). 
  • Thursday, February 18, 2021 4:41 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    As part of creating the “Pricing Right” course, I updated some research I had originally put together in 2012. The original research provided an Analysis of Pricing Trends from 2008-2012. 

    The new research covers an Analysis of Pricing Trends from 2008-2020.

    Get access to the latest data here (PDF):
    >> Analysis of Pricing Trends 2008-2020

    Disclaimer: The Resume Writers' Digest Annual Industry Survey (and Pricing Surveys) are not statistically valid, but provide a guideline for career industry professionals in benchmarking themselves against their colleagues.

  • Wednesday, February 17, 2021 2:17 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our tenth profile focuses on Michelle Dumas, owner of New Hampshire-based Distinctive Career Services, LLC. 

    Dumas has been a professional resume writer for 25 years. An active member with the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), she has been the recipient of many industry awards and holds multiple resume writing and career coaching certifications. 

    Dumas originally planned to become a clinical psychologist when she was working towards her undergraduate degree, but eventually decided to transition into career counseling. 

    The early days of the World Wide Web (and the possibility of working from home) interested Dumas. “I came up with the idea that I would start a business combining my writing skills with my experience teaching resume writing plus my fascination with the opportunities to make money on the Internet,” she says. 

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Michelle Dumas” Feature on the Resume Writers’ Digest Blog! 

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 2:39 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Do you struggle with doubt and uncertainty? Do you find yourself sometimes in your own way, sabotaging your own success? Mindset can be the reason. 

    This 13-page special report provides 50 mindset “hacks” to help you fine-tune your approach to your business and your life. These are practical, actionable tips and tricks to make a specific difference in your life. 

    Check out the Minding Your Mindset Special Report in our online store

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 12:00 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    With unemployment numbers continuing to rise, this Pass-Along Materials content is meant to motivate prospects to invest in resume services to reduce the amount of time they are unemployed. The main article demonstrates the obvious — and not so obvious — costs of unemployment. The accompanying chart “How Expensive Is It To Be Unemployed?” provides a quick way to determine how much it costs in lost wages each week that you are unemployed. 

    The Cost of Unemployment Pass-Along Materials Content is included with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership — in the Pass-Along Materials section — under the “BONUS CONTENT FOR BRONZE MEMBERS” header. 


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